Just released on Dec. 1, 2008

I knew this was being updated…  I loved the last one and now there is more up to date info.  I wish I had seen this before AU…

From their website…

Building Information Modeling (BIM): Transforming Design and Construction to Achieve Greater Industry Productivity is a 45-page printed report (available as hard copy or PDF) that examines the results of research conducted by McGraw-Hill Construction Analytics regarding perceptions among BIM users about BIM adoption, implementation, value and impact within their firms. The study sheds light on the role of BIM in reshaping the way project teams work together in today’s industry.

Click Here to go to the intro page

Thanks to Steve Jones for letting me know about this… from his comment on this site…

Thanks for talking about the 2007 report but there’s a brand new one about BIM -its free at many websites including this one:

Steve Jones
McGraw-Hill Construction

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