Archive for June, 2009

AUGI Launches New Publication – AUGI AEC Edge

AUGI and Extension Media are excited to announce AUGI AEC Edge – A new publication launched today that is focused on the AEC industry.


AUGI AEC Edge is dedicated to providing cutting edge industry information and useful tips on all aspects of Autodesk’s digital design software necessary for accurate project design, visualization and analysis. This valuable information will enable readers to deliver their projects faster, with greater accuracy, creativity and with reduced environmental impact.

The Premiere issue of AUGI AEC Edge will focus on exciting developments in the Building Information Modeling (BIM) process and Revit solutions with features articles, news, and contributions from industry leaders.

Read more on BLAUGI

More BIM Manager 2009 Survey Results

Here are some additional survey results…

The first question below is about the average size of the project team that firms are using for BIM development.  This confirms the gneral feeling evidence that teams can and are actually smaller for BIM projects than traditional CAD.

BIM Survey 2009-4

When asked how long their firms had been using BIM, the results show that most are on track with progressing along the BIM adoption path.

BIM Survey 2009-5

Revit and NavisWorks are the overwhelming winners when firms purchase tools for BIM.

BIM Survey 2009-6

Now for the real question that I am looking for…  how much of yuour work is dont in BIM?  The numbers may be lower than you expect.

BIM Survey 2009-7

BIM Manager 2009 Survey Results

Here are a few results from the BIM Manager Survey that was conducted in April/May 2009.

The slides below compare the 2008 survey to the 2009 survey.  By comparison, you can see the increase in some of the areas we covered.


BIM Survey 2009-2

BIM Survey 2009-3

FREE Training – from Bentley

This is an opportunity for some free online training…

Here is the information they provided to me…

Venue/Location: Live and OnDemand Formats
Date: Starting June 23, 2009 through November 30, 2009
Register Now by visiting

Bentley Systems’ Be Connected online seminar series gives architects, engineers, builders, geospatial professionals, and owner-operators a chance to learn about applying information modelling from some of the world’s leading infrastructure practitioners.

The conference series begins on June 23, is free of charge, in both live and OnDemand formats, and takes the place of this year’s Be Conference.

Be Connected offers two types of online seminars:

1) Best Practices Seminars. Presented by leading infrastructure professionals around the globe, these sessions bring a project perspective on best practices for the design, construction, and operation of specific types of infrastructure projects, including a series of seminars on each of the following: bridges, cadastre and land development, communications, electric and gas utilities, high performance buildings, mining and metals, oil and gas, rail and transit, roads, and water and wastewater.

2) Product Seminars. Presented by Bentley’s product executives and designed for both current and prospective users, these technology-focused sessions demonstrate the latest features and capabilities of Bentley’s comprehensive V8i software portfolio for sustaining infrastructure.

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