There are a lot of firms that have not embraced BIM and may not even be investigating its use.
Before you start thinking that they are going to be left in the dust and will be out of business in 5 years or less, let’s ask the question first.
Is BIM push back just the plight of smaller firms? Are all big firms going to BIM? Are there any big AEC firms that have not started moving to BIM and have chosen to stay on plain CAD or 2.5 D CAD?
Many firms have production capabilities built on tools other than BIM. They are productive, accurate, design focused and getting the job done. They think “Why move to BIM?”
Their thinking may be:
1. We are happy where they are – We are productive. My team is trained. We are making money and we are fine without BIM
2. We are forced to stay where they are by economic reality – we cannot afford BIM. It costs too much. We have software now that is paid for. The cost of upgrading is making us not even think about it.
3. We are forced to stay where they are by business reality – we have to compete on speed. Transitioning to BIM will slow us down.
4. Training cost will kill us – money is the issue as well as time. We cannot afford to have someone take 3-4 days off production to get trained.
5. None of my competition is moving in that direction – others are using CAD and getting work. They propose and win and can do it cheaper in CAD.
6. I cannot convince my clients to make the jump – they don’t care about BIM or anything it brings to the table. They just want their plan drawings done. They don’t want any fancy 3D or animations or renderings or anything else. They want to pay as little as possible and get it done fast.
Are there other reasons for not moving to BIM? Do they relate to firm size? Clients or markets?
Let me know by leaving a comment… why are you not moving to BIM?